Preguntas frecuentes / Frequent questions
Todos nuestros bolsos son únicos. Están hechos con telas artesanales que seleccionamos a lo largo del mundo, por lo que no hay dos iguales. ¿Necesitas más información? Escríbenos a o ponte en contacto con nosotros en
¿Cómo pago?
Tienes varias modalidades de pago, utilizando las tarjetas Visa o MasterCard, el servicio de pago de Paypal y si deseas pagar contra reembolso no tienes más que mandarnos un correo a y lo gestionaremos de inmediato.
¿Cúanto tardará mi pedido?
Nuestros pedidos tardan un máximo de 4 días laborables en llegar a su destino. Si en ese plazo no ha llegado ponte en contacto con nosotros en y solucionaremos lo antes posible el problema que haya surgido.
Los plazos de entrega para las Islas Baleares son 48 horas más amplios que para la península. También son especiales las condiciones de envío a Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla.
¿Cuánto me costará el envío?
Los gastos de envío serán gratuitos por compras superiores a 150 euros.
El coste es de 7 euros para la península, 20 euros para las Islas Canarias y 14 euros para Baleares. Para otros destinos, ponte en contacto con nosotros en y buscaremos la mejor opción.
¿Qué hago si quiero devolverlo?
Tendrás 15 días para devolver tu artículo si no satisface tus expectativas y solo tendrás que enviarnos un correo a En caso de que el artículo esté defectuoso correremos con los gastos del envío, en otros casos será el cliente el que sufrague la devolución. En los productos de liquidación no se aceptarán ni cambios ni devoluciones.
Relaciones con los medios de comunicación
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All our bags are unique. They are made with handcrafted fabrics that we select from around the world, so no two are alike. Do you need more info? Write to us at or contact us at
How paid?
You have several payment methods, using Visa or MasterCard cards, the Paypal payment service and if you want to pay cash on delivery, just send us an email to and we will manage it immediately.
How long will my order take?
Our orders take a maximum of 4 working days to reach their destination. If it has not arrived within that period, contact us at and we will solve the problem that has arisen as soon as possible.
Delivery times for the Balearic Islands are 48 hours longer than for the peninsula. The shipping conditions to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla are also special.
How much will shipping cost me?
Shipping costs will be free for purchases over 89€ for shipments in SpainThe cost is 7 euros for the peninsula, 20 euros for the Canary Islands and 14 euros for the Balearic Islands. For other destinations, contact us at and we will find the best option.
What do I do if I want to return it?
You will have 15 days to return your item if it does not meet your expectations and you will only have to send us an email to In the event that the item is defective, we will bear the shipping costs, in other cases it will be the customer who bears the return. No changes or returns will be accepted for clearance products.
Relationships with communication media
If you want information about Mr. Ce, write to us at
I want to sell Mr. Ce's products
Get in touch with us at
How paid?
You have several payment methods, using Visa or MasterCard cards, the Paypal payment service and if you want to pay cash on delivery, just send us an email to and we will manage it immediately.
How long will my order take?
Our orders take a maximum of 4 working days to reach their destination. If it has not arrived within that period, contact us at and we will solve the problem that has arisen as soon as possible.
Delivery times for the Balearic Islands are 48 hours longer than for the peninsula. The shipping conditions to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla are also special.
How much will shipping cost me?
Shipping costs will be free for purchases over 89€ for shipments in SpainThe cost is 7 euros for the peninsula, 20 euros for the Canary Islands and 14 euros for the Balearic Islands. For other destinations, contact us at and we will find the best option.
What do I do if I want to return it?
You will have 15 days to return your item if it does not meet your expectations and you will only have to send us an email to In the event that the item is defective, we will bear the shipping costs, in other cases it will be the customer who bears the return. No changes or returns will be accepted for clearance products.
Relationships with communication media
If you want information about Mr. Ce, write to us at
I want to sell Mr. Ce's products
Get in touch with us at