Son una de nuestras prendas favoritas. Las faldas pareo favorecen a todo el mundo, se adaptan a todas las tallas y quedan elegantes con tacones o con unas zapas. Las probamos en verano, aunque no las tuvimos en la web, y fueron un éxito, así que aquí están en nuestra versión de entretiempo.
Con lazada o nudo, a media pierna y, por supuesto: NO HAY DOS IGUALES. Somos fieles a nuestra filosofía de hacer prendas únicas, con esas telas que nos vamos encontrando por el camino y que nos enamoran. Te apuntas a la falda mistercé?
Largo 73 cm
Ancho total (para que ajustes a tus propias medidas) 119 cm
They are one of our favorite garments. Pareo skirts flatter everyone, adapt to all sizes and look elegant with heels or sneakers. We tried them in the summer, although we didn't have them on the web, and they were a success, so here they are in our halftime version.
With lace or knot, mid-calf and, of course: THERE ARE NO TWO THE SAME. We are faithful to our philosophy of making unique garments, with those fabrics that we find along the way and that make us fall in love. Are you in for the mistercé skirt?
Length 73cm
Total width (for you to adjust to your own measurements) 119 cm
With lace or knot, mid-calf and, of course: THERE ARE NO TWO THE SAME. We are faithful to our philosophy of making unique garments, with those fabrics that we find along the way and that make us fall in love. Are you in for the mistercé skirt?
Length 73cm
Total width (for you to adjust to your own measurements) 119 cm